Many things happened in 2020, that I can say with the utmost certainty, made it the worst year ever of my lifetime to date.
While I personally was not that negatively impacted, the rest of the world definitely felt the wrath of what 2020 brought. From the many various events of 2020, the main obvious one was COVID-19. Yes, the dreaded pandemic (some still fight it to be true to this day) that apparently hit pause and halted all our lives for the length of a year and counting. Not only that but it changed a lot of the aspects of our daily lives.
“Horror Baby”
There were 2 things that really irked me about this whole thing. One being the safety of my, at the time of pandemic announcements, 10 month old son. I had no idea how it would affect my baby and I was worried he would be too small to deal with it. Secondly, throughout the whole time, my baby boy Adam, whom people from my live streams know as ‘HorrorBaby,’ was missing out on a lot of real world stuff that we had planned or wanted to do with him as an infant. Today, he is now 2 years old and is barely started to experience the public world. He is barely starting to see friends & family that otherwise would have already been in his life actively. He would have joined us on our weekly visits to Disneyland and got to experience the characters and scenery there. Alas, he has missed out on a lot and we have a lot of catching up to do. We did however manage to take him to a small park and he rode the swing for the first time and loved it! He finally got the opportunity to be a child and have a nice day out playing at the park like I did as a child. His face says it all.
Gaming & Live Streams
One aspect of my life that most certainly took a hit was my gaming and streaming. With everything shut down and bills continuing as normal I had to switch up my priorities and schedule. I focused more on my side-hustle business to make sure all bills continued to be paid and food was on the table. To my surprise, it really took off at the top of the year in 2021 and it had me the busiest I’ve ever been in my life! With business booming I had no time for anything else; it was even getting in the way of family time. Needless to say, gaming wasn’t happening anytime soon let alone streaming. But, I was able to get some nice upgrades for my setup because of it. Now that things are returning to some sense of normalcy, I started playing late nights to get back in the rhythm and hoping to fully return to streaming on June 15th albeit with a limited schedule.
Acting Life
Like everything else, everything that had to do with acting halted right away as well and I wasn’t certain when it would pick up again. Even now that productions are beginning to pick up pace, castings seem to be much slower for me. It seems like “the look” I had that was ever so popular before isn’t quite the look they’re looking for now. It might just be me but that does appear to be a change I noticed when reading the latest castings. Speaking of castings, most if not all castings at the moment are now done virtually. Either zoom or you record at home and submit; that I do love! It’s so convenient and easy in a sense. I did realize though that my setup could be better and I got a couple small investments to do to make sure I’m happy with my audition recordings. I also took the time to get some new headshots done with a couple varied looks for you know, variety. Let’s see if this picks up for me now!